Flag Football
A great way to learn the fun of the game - with an emphasis on fun and safety.
2025 Season
April 7 - May 16
Registration coming Feb 17
For 2025 the division will depend on the birth year of the player
U10 : 2016, 2017, & 2018
U12 : 2014 & 2015
U14 : 2012 & 2013
U16 : 2010 & 2011
U18 : 2008 & 2009
For U10, U12 and U14 the price will be $250
For U16 & U18 the price will be $275 + HST (will be using full field)
Price includes cost for 2 shirts, and pair of shorts.
These do not include any required Football Manitoba, Football Canada membership/insurance fees.
Refund Policy:
Due to the high volume of registrations and potential for waitlisting there will be a $100 cancellation fee. There will be no refunds after the start of the program. Note: we do not control the refund policy on the Membership/Insurance fees that are required by Football Manitoba & Football Canada
All games will be at the Lakehead University Hangar
registration coming soon - FEB 17th
Refund Policy:
Due to the high volume of registrations and potential for waitlsting there will be a $100 cancellation fee. There will be no refunds after the start of the program.
Note: we do not control the refund policy on the Membership/Insurance fees that are required by Football Manitoba & Football Canada
U10: Monday April 7th 6-730pm & Wednesday April 9th 6-730pm
U12: Tuesday April 8th 6-730pm & Thursday April 10th 6-715pm
U14: Monday April 7th 730-9pm & Wednesday April 9th 730-9pm
U16: Tuesday April 8th 730-9pm & Thursday April 10th 715-830pm
U18: Monday April 7th 9-10pm & Tuesday April 8th 9-10pm
Complete schedules will be posted to TeamLinkt once players are assigned to a team.
Or you can visit here: leagues.teamlinkt.com/tbmfa/Schedule
A 'skeleton' schedule will look like:
There are some variances due to closure of the Hangar for the Easter weekend, stay tuned to our posts (note the one Sunday, May 4th day to make up)